Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Taco Bell Chicken Quesadilla

Here's yet another one of my favorites from Taco Bell. I'm always down for some decent mexican food, and Taco Bell's quesadillas are a lot better than you'd expect from a fast food chain. It's definitely on the spicier side, which may not be for everyone, but it's just fine with me!

The stats come out to 520cals/27g fat, and the beef version comes out to 510cals/28g fat. Personally, I prefer the chicken version for some reason. Normally, it's served with a crunchy taco on the side, but I skip that to keep the cal count low. The only two downsides to it I can think of are the difficulty of eating one inside a car and also the spice doesn't always seem to play nice with my workouts later in the day. One time I stopped by a Taco Bell on my way to traffic court in Avenal, and the quesadilla slid right out of the packet the first time I hit the brakes...DOH!!!